Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State has disclosed that certain politicians encouraged the deposed Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, to contest his removal from office.

Speaking through his Chief Press Secretary, Sanusi Bature, Governor Yusuf attributed the legal challenges to Bayero’s deposition to these “unpatriotic politicians.”

In an interview on Arise TV’s Morning Show, Bature emphasized the unnecessary nature of Bayero’s efforts to overturn his dethronement, linking the controversy to political maneuvering within the Kano Emirate.

He pointed out the contrasting response of Emir Muhammed Sanusi during his own deposition in 2019, noting that Sanusi did not pursue legal action against the government at that time.

However, Bature said: “We wanted him to vacate the palace because it’s used as a guest house and a graveyard, we want it renovated quickly so that it can serve its purpose. When the governor reinstated the Emir and had given 48 hours for all the other emirs to vacate their palaces.

“Ado Bayero in his own wisdom decided to remove his family and everything belonging to him from the palace. When I was there, the place was so empty when Sanusi entered.

“But some unpatriotic politicians from and outside Kano decided to ignite him to come back to Kano and strike a fight which is unnecessary. Some of the unpatriotic politicians are behind the filing of the court case, like it or not, there is politics here.

“Emir Aminu Ado Bayero was appointed after the dethronement of Sanusi but why didn’t Sanusi fight back at that time?”