Two Israeli settlers and one Palestinian were killed on Sunday in the West Bank as senior Israeli and Palestinian security officials met in Aqaba, Jordan.

The meeting was to soothe tensions ahead of the holy month of Ramadan.

The Israeli Army previously said a Palestinian in a passing vehicle shot two Israelis near the Hawara checkpoint, south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

The two individuals in their 20s sustained fatal injuries and were taken to a hospital, where they were later pronounced dead, said Magen David Adom, Israel’s Red Cross Organisation.

The shooting sparked violent revenge attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, causing at least one death and numerous injuries, with fire-damaged properties and vehicles.

Following the rare meeting in Aqaba, which officials from Egypt also attended, the United States and Jordan, the Israeli and Palestinian delegations said in a joint statement they agreed on de-escalation.

They reiterated their commitment to previous agreements, working towards a just and lasting peace.

Israel and the Palestinian Authority ”confirmed their joint readiness and commitment to immediately work to end unilateral measures for a period of 3-6 months.

“This includes an Israeli commitment to stop discussion of any new settlement units for four months and to stop authorisation of any outposts for six months,’’ the statement said.

However, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would continue settlement building along previous plans and there would be no changes.

The statement also sparked mixed reactions among Palestinian factions.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) denounced the participation of the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, considering it as “a departure from the Palestinian national consensus.’’

The meeting was held as anxiety mounted over escalating tensions between Israelis and Palestinians since early January in the West Bank.

The five parties agreed to convene again in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in March.
