ICPC takes anti-corruption campaign to rural communities

NEWS DIGEST -The Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission (ICPC) has taken its anti-corruption campaign to rural communities of Enugu State.

Officials of the commission, led by the South-east Zonal Commissioner, Mr Sule Amedu, on Friday in Abia, Udi Local Government Area of the state, addressed a town hall meeting organised by the commission.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that officials of the local government council, traditional rulers and presidents general of community associations were in attendance.

Amedu said that the meeting became necessary following the resolve of the commission to tackle corruption from its roots.

He said that it had become imperative to enlist the services of traditional institutions, including monarchs in the onslaught against corruption.

The zonal commissioner said that Nigerians from all walks of life were under obligation to ensure that the younger generation learnt to do the right things.

According to him, since political and social leaders come from the rural areas which are under the authority of monarchs, it is a wonder that we continue to produce corrupt leaders.

“Why have we continued to produce corrupt leaders? We accord such corrupt office holders recognition through chieftaincy titles and other forms of recognitions.”

Amedu said that it had become imperative for the traditional institution to ensure that their subjects were not badly influenced.

The zonal commissioner, who said that the commission desired to break the opportunities for corrupt tendencies, appealed to Nigerians to provide the necessary information needed to track down corrupt office holders.

Amedu said that corruption had caused Nigerians much pains and underdevelopment, adding “we are involved in corruption because laid down rules are not obeyed.”

In a presentation, the Head of Public Enlightenment in the zone, Mr Suleiman Achile, said that the sensitisation meeting was to put in place proactive measures in the fight against corruption.

Achile said that the ICPC had decided to make its presence known in the rural communities through the formation of Anti-corruption Transparency Units (ACTU).

He explained that the units would be the eyes of the commission in the rural communities and would report incidences of corruption, adding that volunteers would be empowered to do their work effectively.

He said that the commission would inaugurate the ACTU in the local government area upon the recommendation of volunteers.

Achile said that the commission had also remodeled the National Anti-Corruption Volunteer Corps (NAVC) in line with modern practices.

He said that the NAVC, which was also a volunteer unit of the commission, was abused by self-seeking individuals.

“The commission has now decided to finetune and re-brand it because officials of ICPC cannot be everywhere.

“We welcome those who are ready to partner with us in the fight against corruption. Such people will be screened after their recommendation,” Achile said.

In a remark, the traditional ruler of Udi Ancient Kingdom, Igwe Chris Ogakwu, blamed corruption on self-seeking politicians in the country.

Ogakwu noted that corruption among political office holders enormous.

“The problem with Nigeria and corruption is the activities of our new breed politicians. Many of them in leadership positions today are selfish.

“The havoc they create in our rural communities is better imagined. Some of them do not allow people to come close to them unless you tell them what they want to hear.

“Until we get the right people into positions of authority, especially, in the South-East; until we stop the corruption by the new breed politicians, we cannot go anywhere as a country,” Ogakwu said.

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