8.4 million Nigerians need humanitarian assistance in North East  — UN

NEWS DIGEST – The United Nations has disclosed that close to four million Nigerians will face intense food insecurity in the coming season.

The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Matthias Schmale, disclosed this during an advocacy event held in Abuja on food security and nutrition in North-East Nigeria.

He announced that not less than 8.4 million Nigerians would need humanitarian support in the North-East, while 4.1 million individuals would face severe pain of food insecurity in the region.

Schmale noted about $351 million is required to procure humanitarian assistance.

He said, “Across North-East Nigeria today, 8.4 million people need humanitarian assistance. Alarmingly, almost half of these crisis-affected people, 4.1 million are expected to face the severe pain of food insecurity in the approaching lean season.”

“In 2021, the gap between people in need and people supported by food and nutrition assistance was 1.8 million and due to reduced funding, that number is projected to dramatically increase to 2.9 million this lean season.”

He noted anguish may oblige very weak people into transactional sex, child labour, and selling their few possessions if food assistance, is not provided.

Also, the Head of Special Duties, Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs Nadia Soso, explained that food protection and nutrition of this affected population in the north remains an important aspect.

He announced that people in Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe need funding to assure critical food and relief assistance as the gap between people in need and available resources will grow more severe.