A Human Rights Group, Save Nigeria Movement (SNM), expressed strong opposition to the recent clamour for the scrapping of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.

The group, in a press conference held in Abuja on Tuesday, refuted the notion that security challenges should serve as grounds for dismantling the NYSC, asserting that such a move would be detrimental and an act of cowardice.

The movement argued that linking security concerns to the NYSC’s existence would only embolden criminals and diminish the efforts of security personnel dedicated to eradicating insecurity in the country.

SNM drew parallels to other institutions facing challenges, such as military barracks and police stations, stating that the NYSC should not be treated differently.

Addressing the reported incidents of kidnapping and death of Corps members, SNM urged against holding the NYSC or security personnel directly responsible. The movement stressed the need for collective efforts in providing intelligence to enhance community security, asserting that suspending the NYSC would not resolve the overarching issue of insecurity.

SNM reminded Nigerians of the NYSC’s objectives, particularly its role in fostering unity and social interactions among diverse ethnic nationalities.

Citing the post-civil war roots of the initiative, SNM urged citizens, including those advocating for the NYSC’s suspension, to focus on assisting security personnel with intelligence and promoting the unity that the scheme was designed to achieve.