Hisbah and Peaceful Coexistence in Kano, By Mahmud Ringim

NEWS DIGEST – Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State has exhibited commendable leadership qualities by actively supporting and fostering efforts to reconcile differences between Hisba Commander General Mal Aminu Daurawa and the Government. The intervention of prominent figures such as Zauren Hadin Kan Malamai, the Speaker of the Kano State House of Assembly, and the Chief Imam of the National Mosque Abuja, has yielded tangible results. This collaborative effort aimed to alleviate tensions and chart a constructive path forward for Hisbah in fulfilling its mandate, successfully reinstating Sheik Daurawa to his position.

It appears that the Governor has heeded advice regarding the management of Hisbah affairs from the governmental body responsible for supervising the organization. Typically, matters concerning Hisbah management are addressed through statements issued by the Director of Media and Publicity in the Governor’s office, while the Commissioner of Information manages government information and strategies.

Mal Ibrahim Daura’s resignation following his acceptance of responsibility for remarks made by the Governor at a government house function to a group of Imams demonstrates both maturity and integrity. While such actions might be commonplace in other environments, they stand out as noteworthy in our current context.

Kano has long been renowned for its intellectual vitality, particularly in Islamic scholarship and Western education, boasting numerous universities and Islamic schools that have elevated its standing among states in the federation.

In commerce and industry, Kano has historically played a pivotal role, dating back to the Trans-Saharan Trade era. Its status as a commercial hub, combined with its educational achievements, has rendered it a cosmopolitan city in Northern Nigeria, attracting diverse populations and fostering the exchange of ideas.

Given its diverse Islamic ideologies, Kano endeavors to accommodate all factions peacefully, preserving its communal Islamic values. Accordingly, the establishment of the Hisbah Board aims to safeguard these values and traditions by addressing deviant behavior.

However, Hisbah has encountered challenges from within the state, federal, and multilateral agencies due to its operational methods and bureaucratic obstacles, potentially impeding its effectiveness. It is imperative for Hisbah to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Nigerian Constitution, particularly concerning citizens’ fundamental human rights.

Sheik Aminu Daurawa’s expertise and experience position him well to tackle Hisbah’s challenges and articulate its needs to the government for unimpeded operations. Collaboration between Hisbah and security agencies is crucial to ensure the lawful execution of their duties and mitigate breaches of the law.

Revisiting Hisbah’s organizational structure, reporting relationships, and enhancing recruitment processes and personnel training are essential for optimal performance. Additionally, fostering collaborative relationships with sister security agencies and involving Hisbah in Shari’a and Zakka Commissions would align its objectives and promote peace and security in Kano State.

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf’s dedication to peaceful coexistence is praiseworthy, as demonstrated by his efforts to reconcile differences and prioritize the welfare of the people. The resolution of the conflict between Hisbah and the government marks a significant stride toward maintaining peace and security in the state.

Mahmud Shuaibu Ringim
HALIM Consulting Ltd