Abdulrasheed Maina
Abdulrasheed Maina

Group petitions UN, Amnesty Int’l over Nigerian govt refusal to pay Maina 5% whistleblowing fee

NEWS DIGEST – A pro-North civil society organisation, Arewa Youths Progressives Alliance, AYPA, has petitioned the United Nations and the Amnesty International, seeking their intervention in the release of 5% whistle blowing fee to Abdulrasheed Maina.

Mr maina, a former Chairman of the defunct Pension Reform Task Force, has recently been sentenced eight years in prison over misappropriation of public funds.

But the group, in a petition dated Thursday, November 11, and signed by its Chairman, Nasiru Doka, said the Federal Government had denied Mr Maina his 5% Whistle Blower fees entitled to him after recovering the sum of N2.9bn for the said government.

“We therefore pray that Amnesty International will look into this case, and call on the Nigerian Government to ensure that justice is done, according to the rules of the law.

“And Nigerian Government should also honour its part of the agreement to pay Maina his 5% Whistle Blower fee,” the AYPA Chairman noted.

The group added that the judgement indicting Mr Maina of wrongdoing was a miscarriage of justice.

The petition which was obtained on Monday, alleged that there are “vested interests in this trial willing to truncate the cause of justice, and make sure Maina was jailed regardless of the available evidence”.