After N100,000 cash gift, Gov. Zulum promotes teacher in viral video to assistant headmistress

NEWS DIGEST – A level 12 class teacher, Obiagelli Mazi, who was encountered by Borno governor, Babagana Zulum, at 6:30 am on Friday, has been promoted to an assistant headmistress.

The executive chairman, Borno State Universal Education Board, SUBEB, Shettima Kullima, conveyed the promotion on Saturday after his recommendation was approved by Mr Zulum.

Mr Zulum had during an outing 6:30 am on Friday to assess public institutions, encountered Mrs Mazi already at school, waiting for her pupils.

The teacher, who hails from Abia state has been teaching for 31 years.

Mr Zulum met her at Shehu Sanda Kyarimi 2 Primary school under Jere local government education authority.

Overwhelmed by Mrs Obiagelli’s dedication, Mr Zulum commended and rewarded her with personal cash of N100,000 nearly three times her monthly salary of N35,000.

“In addition, Governor Zulum directed executive chairman of Borno State Universal Education Board to review the woman’s civil service position, her qualification (which happens to be NCE) and recommend her promotion,” said a statement by Mr Zulum’s spokesman, Isa Gusau.

“24 hours later, the SUBEB chairman contacted the governor recommending Mrs Obiagelli’s promotion from class teacher to assistant headmistress.

“He said even though the woman was not a graduate, her 31 years teaching experience and commitment coupled with an executive order by the governor have earned her the promotion.”