Former Arsenal midfielder Gilberto Silva has expressed optimism about the possibility of Neymar joining the Premier League club in a summer transfer, describing it as “not impossible.”

Neymar has had a challenging spell since moving to Saudi Arabia, playing sparingly for Al-Hilal before being sidelined by a significant injury.

Despite this setback, Silva believes the 32-year-old Brazilian still has much to offer and could seamlessly fit into Arsenal’s setup.

Speaking to Bet365, Silva shared his enthusiasm, stating, “I’d love to see Neymar in the Premier League with Arsenal; it would certainly be interesting.

His presence would bring immense joy to fans and elevate the competition even further.”

Reflecting on the allure of the Premier League, Silva emphasized the desire to see top-tier talents like Neymar grace its fields.

He added optimistically, “When you consider the Premier League, having the best players in the world is what we aim for. Neymar joining Arsenal is not out of the realm of possibility. Let’s wait and see.”