Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje

GandujeGate: Whistle-blower may testify before Kano Assembly

NEWS DIGEST–The whistle-blower who filmed the bribe-taking videos of Kano State governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, may testify in camera before House of Assembly committee investigating the matter.
On October 25, the committee had asked DAILY NIGERIAN publisher, Jaafar Jaafar, about the possibility of presenting the whistle-blower to testify behind closed doors.
When DAILY NIGERIAN contacted the whistle-blower, he agreed on his own volition to testify under certain conditions.
He said once his safety is guaranteed before, during and after the closed-door hearing, he would appear before the committee and testify.
The whistle-blower said he is currently facing threats from the agents of the state.
“As long as the investigation is for public good, I will appear behind closed doors on the conditions that my safety would be guaranteed and identity hidden from public,” he said.
DAILY NIGERIAN had on October 14 and 15 exclusively published two videos of showing Mr Ganduje allegedly receiving bribe in dollars from a whistle-blower in a sting operation.
On October 15, the State House of Assembly set up a seven-man committee to establish the authenticity of the videos, and invited Mr Jaafar on October 25 to testify before the committee.
After Mr Jaafar’s testimony the committee invited Mr Ganduje to appear on Friday (today) but the governor shunned the invitation and sent his commissioner for information to present a statement.
In the statement, the governor described the allegations as false.