A Chinese envoy said on Tuesday that China would steadfastly support the international system centred on the United Nations (UN).

“China works tirelessly to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and firmly upholds the UN-centered international system,’’ Dai Bing said.

Mr Bing, China’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, said this at the opening of the main session of the Fifth Committee of the 78th UN General Assembly.

According to him, this deals with internal UN administrative and budgetary matters.

The ambassador said that facing the ongoing global challenges, member states should work together to strengthen the role of the UN and adhere to true multilateralism.

“Finance serves as the foundation of and an important element underpinning UN governance.

“To maintain the role of the UN and deliver on their commitment to multilateralism, all member states must shoulder their responsibilities and fulfil their obligations,’’ Mr Bing said.

He said that one major contributor still had long-time arrears, which is the main cause of the UN’s liquidity crisis.

“Solving this problem requires addressing both the symptoms and root causes and avoiding reliance on short-term temporary measures,’’ he said.
