The Federal Government has taken itself away from the approval of extension of service for any officer in public service. The FG described the letter, which has circulated on social media over this issue, as fake.

Dr. Folasade Yemi-Esan, Head of Service (HOS), has said her office never issued any circular on the subject.

In another statement by Director of Information, Olawunmi Ogunmosunle, it was said that the clarification became compulsory, because the fake circular which has been circulating over social media, has created the wrong impression over this matter.

Ogunmonsule said: “Members of the public are to note that the content of the circular is fake, incorrect and did not originate from the Office of the Head of Service. The letter-head used for the circular “roll -over service for those due to retire within the COVID-19 era in 2020”and dated 13th July, 2020 is not the letter- head of the OHSF, the outline of the entire circular, from the distribution list to arrangement of the sections including the grammar is completely out of sync with the way and manner circulars are issued in the office.

“Furthermore, the Director overseeing the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Career Management, Office of the Head of Service at no time issued or signed any such letter.

“Dr. Yemi –Esan therefore implores public servants and the public to always visit the office website: regularly to cross – check circulars and other information emanating from the office for authenticity. The information on the website include circulars issued by the office, reports on events and upcoming events among others members of the public especially those in the health agencies are therefore called upon to note and disregard the content of the circular in order not to fall victims of its perpetrators.”

The National Assembly Service Commision, has also relieved Alhaji Mohammed Sani-Omolori, Clerk of the National Assembly as well as 149 others.

The commission has declared that its staff who have spent 35 years in service, or is 60 years in age, should leave and expect their retirement letter soon.