NEWS DIGEST– In a devastating road accident that occurred on Monday, August 15th 2023, an unfortunate collision between a Lexus car, a Toyota Sienna, and a moving truck claimed the lives of a student from Lagos State University (LASU) and two other travelers.

According to eyewitnesses, the catastrophic accident occurred before the junction leading to Babcock University on the Sagamu-Benin Highway.

SP. Omolola Odutola, spokesperson for the Nigeria Police Command in Ogun State, said the accident involved a white coloured Geon truck (LAR 730 XB) driven by one Rasak Olayinka, who was tragically killed in the accident alongside Kelechi Nwagu and Sorunke Emmanuel who was the driver of the Lexus car.

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The 26-year-old occupant of the Lexus was rescued by the Divisional Police Officer, Ikenne division, SP Oladepo Oarinoye, and rushed to Babcock University Teaching Hospital, Ogun State for urgent medical attention, but was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The police have attributed the cause of the accident to human error by the drivers, citing alcoholic influence driving, phone engagement, over speeding as the primary reasons that have contributed to numerous accidents over time.

The police have urged motorists and drivers to exercise caution while on the road and ditch in untoward behavior to be safe. All affected and damaged vehicles involved in the accident have been recovered and evacuated to the station.