FAAN, Nigeria Custom fight dirty on Twitter over SRA, breach of security, and assault of personnel

NEWS DIGEST – The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, has alleged the Nigerian Custom of forcefully opening security gate, thereby breaching airport security.

In a press release signed by the General Manager, Corporate Affairs of FAAN, Mrs Henrietta Yakubu, the management of FAAN, it says Nigerian Custom forcefully took over the Security Restricted Area (RSA) via gate 3 to gain access.

The statement reads, “At about 1745hrs on Thursday, January 20, 2022, while the AVSEX officers on day duty at Gate 3 were profiling a NAHCO vehicle that wanted to access the Security Restricted Area via gate 3, the customs Area Comptroller for Hajj and Cargo Terminal suddenly emerged and pulled off behind the NAHCO vehicle that was being attended to and CSC Agunbiade, a customs officer on the area Comptroller entourage later shoved aside the AVSEC Officer at the gate, forcefully took over the gate and opened the gate for the Comptroller and his escorts to forcefully access the Security Restricted Area via the gate”

FAAN also alleged Nigeria Custom armed escorts of the Comptroller had threatened to beat up the AVSEC officers at the gate if they resist their assault and breach of security.

FAAN said the blatant abuse of the privilege of bearing firearms by the NCS has become a recurrent threat to the safety and security of her staff and operations. It however implores every stakeholder to humbly respect her mandate by being disciplined and professional in the interest of national security and operational safety.

Meanwhile, Nigeria Customs on it is verified Twitter account denied the claim, labelling it a misunderstanding of NCS roles.

It tweeted: “Saying that a gate is restricted to Customs in an international cargo airport shows lack of misunderstanding of NCS roles. Could it be that the gate is being made available for Smugglers?”

In what seemed like tutoring by FAAN to Nigeria Custom, it highlighted that the Muhammed International Airport, MMIA, is not a dedicated International Cargo Airport, against what Nigeria Custom had claimed it to be.

Replying to the tweet, FAAN noted it as a less important matter between both parties rather than Nigeria Custom giving excuses where unnecessary; but to focus on the dignity and safety of FAAN security personnel that are regularly being assaulted and humiliated in Public by Nigeria Custom.

“We must not trivialise this matter as about
@FAAN_Official or the
@CustomsNG, it’s about the Dignity and safety of our security personnel that are regularly being assaulted and humiliated in Public”, FAAN tweet reads.

It noted that the act of Nigeria Custom is unacceptable because they are also human with families, and fellow citizens discharging a no less important national responsibility.