Mr. Omoyele Sowore

N500bn CBN scam: Emefiele should be investigated–Sowore

NEWS DIGEST–The presidential candidate of African Action Congress and publisher of Saharareporters, Omoyele Sowore, on Tuesday called on the Federal Government to sack and arrest the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele, for alleged N500bn scam.

He made the call, according to him, based on a leaked audio recording which, he alleged, had implicated the CBN governor.

“The country cannot continue to be led by people who are unconcerned about the plight of the suffering masses and are only creative in covering their perfidious tracks. This cannot be allowed to continue. The AAC party demands that the governor steps down immediately and a full scale investigation be launched into his actions and financial manipulations during his tenure. Nigeria must progress.” he stated.

The AAC in a statement by its Director of Public Relations, Media and Communication, Rachel Onamusi-Kpiasi, said Sowore had been unwavering in his claim that “the rot eating away at Nigeria’s fabric starts at the top, and continues to unearth evidence to prove this point.”

He recalled that Emefiele; the CBN Deputy Governor, Edward Adamu, and others were allegedly caught on tape discussing how to cover up the loss of the funds stolen from the apex bank towards the end of 2018 in a private investment in Dubai that falied.

Sowore claimed Emefiele was heard on record saying the damage could be extensive.

The statement reads, “The CBN governor, appointed by Goodluck Jonathan, retained by Buhari’s regime and now approved for further five years can distinctly be heard discussing with his deputy for ideas on how to cover up the heinous crime against the people of Nigeria.

“From security to power to income strategy, it is clear that this government and its leadership work towards impeding Nigeria’s growth at every turn. The fact that this irrefutable evidence is not headlining news and the governor maintains his position at the helm of the nation’s financial affairs – as have many thieves before him – is damning to our country indeed.”