Eid: FRSC, Police deploy operatives

NEWS DIGEST – The Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, and the Nigerian Police Force have deployed operatives across the country amid the Sallah celebration.

The Federal Capital Territory Police Command deployed operatives within the nation’s capital as part of measures to bolster security in Abuja.

The command disclosed that it has drafted personnel at strategic places including recreational parks/centres, worship centres and major highways.

A statement by the FCT police spokesperson, Mariam Yusuf, on Monday, said, “The Commissioner of Police, Bala Ciroma has ordered uninterrupted patrol, diligent stop/search operations, and coordinated intelligence-based crime-fighting strategies within the FCT during the celebration.

“On this note, the command wishes FCT residents a happy Sallah celebration ahead and implores them to report all suspicious movements, emergency or distress, through our emergency numbers.”

In a related development, the Federal Road Safety Corps said it had mobilised personnel and operational equipment for its Sallah special patrol aimed at ensuring a safer road environment during the festive period and beyond.

This was disclosed by the Corps Public Education Officer, Bisi Kazeem, who said no fewer than 35,000 Regular, Special Marshals, and Road Safety Club Members, about 750 patrol vehicles, 120 ambulances, 25 tow trucks, and over 200 bikes would be on the road during the special operation that would commence from May 11-17,2021.

He stated that the Corps was embarking on the special patrol operation to ensure a hitch-free celebration, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and security challenges in the country.

Kazeem said, “The mission of the special operation is to ensure a free flow of traffic, provide prompt rescue services and timely clearance of obstructions on all major roads and critical corridors across the country before, during and after the festive period as well as minimise the occurrence of road traffic crashes through effective patrol operations and sustained public enlightenment campaigns.”

He also stated that the National Traffic Radio 107.1 FM would continue to operate 24/7 to give real-time traffic update.