DSS wades into NFF crisis
NEWS DIGEST – Directorate of State Services (DSS) has intervened in the ongoing leadership crisis bedeviling the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF).
There has been leadership crisis in the NFF for sometime involving Amaju Pinnick who is recognised by FIFA and Giwa who was given the mandate as NFF president some weeks ago by a Supreme Court of Nigeria ruling.
The imbroglio is compounded by the fact that Giwa is not recognised by FIFA as he is serving a ban. He however continues to parade himself as NFF president.
There have also been allegations of external meddling in the affairs of the NFF.
News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that embattled Amaju Pinnick faction of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has been restored to office, following a directive from the Federal Government.
The General Secretary of NFF, Muhammed Sanusi spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) from his office in Abuja on Monday.
“I am back to my office to assume my legal responsibilities with a clearance from the government,” he said.
Furthermore, it was reported on Monday afternoon that Giwa was ejected from office on the order of President Buhari.
Speaking to the NEWS DIGEST on the issue, A top presidential source who craved anonymity said: The DSS has however assured Nigerians that the issue will be resolved soon as it has intervened in the impasse.
“The DSS has intervened in the ongoing crisis in NFF. The issue will be resolved soon” he said.

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