Governor Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo of Gombe state

I didn’t dump my brother, Dankwambo Jnr speaks on defection to APC

NEWS DIGEST – YOUNGER brother to Gombe state Governor, Buhari Muhammad Dankwambo has denied the widespread news that he has dumped his elder brother, Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo as well as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) describing the reports as baseless and mere insinuations.

The Dankwambo Jnr in a statement made available to newsmen stated that “My attention has been drawn to a false story in circulation since morning, titled; ‘Dankwambo’s Brother Joins APC’ on THISDAY online.”

He further explained that i”n the story my name and company’s name is mentioned and it is claimed that as the younger brother of Gombe State Governor, Babangida Muhammad Dankwambo, popularly known as BMD, I have defected to the All Progressives Congress from the Peoples Democratic Party.”

The story further alleged that, “I dumped PDP despite efforts by the Governor to prevail on me to remain in the party and that THISDAY checks revealed that I was under pressure from different quarters to reverse my decision and was even given juicy offers which I rejected’.

He declared that, “I wish to categorically state that at no time did such a thing happened. This falsehood against me and my brother, Gombe State Governor, Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo, Talban Gombe, is mischievous, fictitious and malicious. It is a big surprise that such a concocted story was circulated by some mediums without balance.”

In further explanation, he stated that, “It is also worthy of note that, my name is not Babangida Muhammad Dankwambo, my name is Buhari Muhammad Dankwambo. I repeat, the story is baseless and unfounded. I never dumped the PDP for the APC, and I am still with my brother, Gombe state Governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo, Talban Gombe.”

“Gombe State Governor is a father figure to everyone in the family, he has been more than a brother, he is a pillar to all of us. Having inherited the traditional title of ‘Talban Gombe’ from our late father, he has done tremendously well to fill the vacuum left by our old man. I will never do anything to bring disrupt and disregard to Talban Gombe or my family,” he stated.

Buhari Dankwambo added that, “It is sad that a few enemies of Gombe will go to any extent to malign the Governor. I called them the enemies of our dear state because they chose to be blinded by the fact that Talba has done hundreds of times better than what all of his predecessors put together did.”

He concluded that, “I wish to plead with all humility, to every person concerned or affected in any way by that report to dismiss that unfair representation of me as it is just one of few cooked news reports intended to tarnish my good image.”