COVID-19 has been the talk of the town, and the pandemic has affected not only traveling, but our movement in our cities.

Schools have closed for over three months, as as the government continues with efforts to stop the spread of the virus, MultiChoice Nigeria has commenced airing new educational content, ULesson. This content, is to help engage the minds of our children at home, through its DStv and GOtv platforms.

The ULesson programme commened on June 8, and is broadcast every weekday on Africa Magic Family (DStv 154 and GOtv channel 2) at 4PM.

ULesson is designed to be an intensive study programme, which offers students in SS1, SS@ and SS#, holistic learning experience in subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, in order to prepare them for their Senior Secondary School Exams.

In the 19 episodes to be aired, students will be taught mathematical concepts such as algebra, linear equations, the importance of rounding off numbers, law surds and much more.

In addition to this, they will be taught on classifying, recognising and naming living things; animal nutrition, the reproductive systems in plants and much more. Chemistry students will in 16 episodes, be introduced to topics such as different forms of matter, the history and natural occurrence of carbon and even more.

This commendable effort will be great, in ensuring that our children at home aren’t idle.