Kunle Adebajo
Kunle Adebajo

Campus editors, journalists condemns member suspension by University of Ibadan

NEWS DIGEST – Campus Editors under the auspices of National Association of Nigeria Campus Editors (NANCE) has condemned the suspension of one of her own, Kunle Adebajo, by the management of University of Ibadan.

In a statement signed by the association’s President, Isaac Omole, the association stated that:  “We will not sit back, fold our arms and watch him being punished unjustly for doing what is right, for doing the right thing. Never! We would not allow it to happen.

“We will like to intimate you that Kunle Adebajo wrote a feature story in 2016 titled, ” UI: The Irony of Fashionable Rooftops and Awful interiors” that was published in a national daily in which he exposed the issues affecting the University of Ibadan students.

“Kunle Adebajo who is now a final year student of the Premier University has since been suspended after facing a panel set up to investigate the whole issue.

“NANCE is battle ready. We are ready to fight this cause to the end and we pray that we achieve positive results.

“In the meantime, we urge Nigerian students to follow and join the social media movements for the reinstatement of Kunle Adebajo, Freedom of Press and reinstatement of some student union leaders. The hashtags are #FreeKunleAdebajo, #FreeCampusPress, #ReinstateOAU5.”, the association commented.”

Speaking in the same vein, the National Union of Campus Journalists through its president Oloyede Joshua, lamented the suspension and demanded an immediate reinstatement of Kunle Adebajo. The body also encouraged campus journalists to keep writing without fear of victimization.

Kunle Adebajo was suspended for an article written in 2016.

Olugbenga Toki is a metro reporter with the News Digest & Youths Digest.

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