Tope Jaji
Tope Jaji

Buhari-baba and a thousand thieves by Tope Jaji

NEWS DIGEST – If you are still delusional that the effort of the president is undermined by certain cabals or animal farm. Let me prick you awake with the needle of conscience. This president  can’t do nada (nothing). If you would prefer elaborate charade of conviction on corruption fight, there in serious mega unacceptable looting of our treasury still going on. ‘Where is the fear of Buhari’?

You like it or not age is a bastard and I’ll explain. Can you use a car for 10 years without maintenance or repairs? No. Then there you have an eccentric old man in charge of over 170 million lives circulating in a circle of incompetence. Bail out my foot, it is debt acquired to pay backlog of salaries. Where is that done? Nigeria. And did the FG follow up on how these governors disburse this money? No. To the sad note, these governors are richer than their states.

And what’s the worth of a Nigerian’s life. From all indication, terrorism to communal clashes, herdsmen to armed bandits. A Nigerians life is worth being snapped with a camera in death. Horrific death, slashes of machetes, punctures of bullet holes, shatters of stone-smashed skulls. Gory in all its glory.

Previously stated on our life’s worth, I’m tallying Baba’s response and body language. It’s not like he doesn’t love you. He can’t do much about it. He is a cosmetic president. A poster leader voted based on assumption and percieved integrity. No single promise has been delivered.

Due to the perpetual under-development of Nigeria we marvel at common duties of our elected political officials e.g Why praise a governor for making an overhead bridge? What’s his duty with all the allocation. To improve our state of living, can’t say standard here. They’ll pocket the money and ride by in the tinted SUVs watching  the sun blast away at the common Nigerians………. To be continued.

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