The BAN community volunteers and Bwari General Hospital nurses

How Breakthrough volunteers mark ‘2019 World Contraception Day’

NEWS DIGEST–As part of commemorating the ‘World Contraception Day’ (WCD) on September 26 every year, the Breakthrough Action Nigeria (BAN) community volunteers from Bwari Central and Kuduru wards in Bwari Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), together with their Supervisors, last Thursday, held a sensitization walk in the town to create awareness about the various types of contraceptives and their health benefits.

As early as 9am, the volunteers had all assembled at the Bwari General Hospital. They were ‘beautifully’ cladded in their BAN FP jackets. The Muslims females among them wore hijabs, to guard against exposing their hair in public.

The excited, friendly and smart-looking BAN staff, were armed with flyers, and cardboards emblazoned with various inscriptions explaining the essence and other interesting facts about contraception.

BAN staff, Mr. Abubakar S. Muhammad (left) holding a cardboard with Mrs. Obeke Chinelo at the Hospital

While at the hospital, it was gathered that the volunteers paid an advocacy visit to the Matron-in-Charge of the Family Planning Unit (FPU), Hajiya Safurat Seriki, explaining the purpose of their planned sensitization walk to mark ‘2019 WCD’ at selected public places in the area council.

Done with their courtesy visit to Mrs. Seriki, the BAN workers then took photographs with their host and other nurses at the hospital, before they stormed the nearby Bwari Market.

BAN’s Health Educator, Mrs. Lilian Oyetayo, and Bwari town clinic’s Service Provider, Mrs. Felicia Bulus, joined the volunteers in marching from the hospital to the market, chanting FB songs, while also distributing flyers to traders.

Some of the Community Volunteers (CVs) who came along with their referral cards, used the opportunity to engage in some mobilization activity, before departing the market three hours after they began their WCD commemoration/sensitization walk.