Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

Await coming war from Russia – Germany notifies EU countries

NEWS DIGEST – Robert Habeck, the Vice Chancellor and Energy Minister of Germany, has on Thursday notified European Union countries to be organised in case Russia turns off the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline tap.

He said, ”We cannot rely on commitments from Gazprom,” Habeck said Thursday via video call on Nord Stream 1 and Germany’s gas situation, after Gazprom, the Russian state energy giant, resumed gas shipments through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline from Russia into Germany on Thursday.

”Gas supplies of 40% are not enough for the upcoming winter,” Habeck went on to say ”Russia uses a too big power to blackmail Europe and Germany.”

Gas shipments via Nord Stream 1 have collapsed by 60% in the last weeks, while a yearly sustenance interval from July 11 to July 21 decreased gas flows to zero.

Gazprom had proceeded with the gas flows at the same lower level as before the pipeline was shut down for maintenance works on Thursday.