Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, aged 77, has officially announced his intention to vie for the presidential seat in the 2027 election. Revealing his decision during an interview with Voice of America Hausa service, Mr. Abubakar affirmed his unwavering commitment to pursue the presidency for the seventh time, as reported by DAILY NIGERIAN.

Atiku expressed his determination to continue contesting as long as he remains alive and in good health. Responding to inquiries about his candidacy in 2027, he affirmed, “Insha Allahu,” indicating his reliance on God’s grace for the endeavor.

Citing the example of former US President Abraham Lincoln, who contested seven times before clinching victory, Atiku underscored his perseverance in pursuit of the presidency.

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of forging alliances among opposition parties, recognizing the formidable challenge posed by the incumbent All Progressives Congress (APC). Atiku emphasized that the strength of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) alone might not suffice to secure victory, advocating for robust collaboration with other political entities.

In addition, Atiku reiterated his commitment to supporting the zoning arrangements within the PDP, affirming his allegiance to the party’s organizational principles.