ASUU Strike: UDUS Don Joins Protest, Mobilizes Students

NEWS DIGEST – A Professor of Arabic Studies in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto State, Kamal Babikri, has joined the protest against the unending strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities.

NEWS DIGEST earlier reported that the Nigeria Labour Congress has slated a two-day free protest, the Lecturer is seen with some students with various placards protesting against the academic cesspool.

The placards read in part: “Education is a right, not a privilege. Strikes and protests are our legitime rights.”

Popularly called “End of the Road”, the lecturer is known for his strict discipline throughout the school such that every student gets petrified when they set eyes on the University Don.

A source who pleaded anonymity told News Digest Nigeria that one of the students in the photo is Agaka, a 100-level student of Literature at the school, adding that he is still in school because he helps his brother to run a cyber cafe situated in the main campus.

However, efforts of our reporters to reach the don for an interview are futile