The Association of Nigeria Licensed Custom Agents (ANCLA), complain about corruption, lack of professionalism and incompetence in the current Nigeria Customs Service management.

The ANCLA has said this is the reason why trade facilitation at the ports, are so difficult.

The clearing agents cried out over smuggling in of various items, even thought the borders remain shut down over the months. They say the trading community suffers the most from this corruption.

The ANCLA has called out the incompetence of the current NCS management over hindering clearing of cargoes and incurring demurrages for importers. The ANCLA has called on the nation’s President, to sack the present management team of the NCS, which is led by Comptroller General of NCS, Col. Hameed Ali (rtd).

The Vice President of the ANCLA, Mr. Kayode Farinto, spoke yesterday to the press saying: “There are so many intervention squad, including the Customs CG taskforce that intercept consignment that has already been cleared in a commando form. The present management teams need to be rejuvenated and the only thing that should be done is to sack the management team and reconstitute a new vibrant management teams. According to him, the country is now faced with a situation where it seems the Customs management team is above the law, adding that the current Customs management team is no longer controlled by Ministry of Finance. “They need to change the Customs management team now.”