The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr. Dele Alake, has promised to carry out a thorough investigation into alleged illegal mining activities in Benue State, stating that those responsible will be subject to legal consequences.

The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr. Dele Alake, has vowed to ensure a thorough investigation of alleged illegal mining activities in Benue State, asserting that those found culpable will face the full wrath of the law.

Additionally, he promised that anyone found guilty would suffer the full force of the law.

Following hearing submissions from state officials from the relevant mines inspectorate and representatives of the impacted mining operators, the minister spoke.

A few weeks back, a video of fifteen trucks filled with what appeared to be uranium-containing minerals that were taken out of Benue state’s Kwande Local Government went viral.

After the video’s disclosure, the minister directed the ministry’s Mines Inspectorate to conduct covert inquiries.

The video was the product of rivalry between the firms over control of mining areas, according to the findings of the investigations.

In order to obtain the full picture of the situation, this prompted the minister to call in pertinent state stakeholders.

Following hearing all of the submissions, the Minister noted differences in the information provided by the operators, the communities’ representatives, and mine inspectorate officials. The Minister then promised to ensure thorough investigations and to hold those who may have broken the law accountable.

“I have listened to all submissions and noted discrepancies in presentations by operators and stakeholders.  We will thoroughly investigate all issues related to the incident and any operator found culpable will have their licenses revoked, if some of our officials also connived to perpetrate sharp practices, they will also be made to face the full weight of the law”, Alake vowed.