In a viral video, former President Buhari jests about reduced home visits due to fuel price hike, drawing criticism from social-political activist Aisha Yusuf. Many Nigerians attribute current economic challenges to Buhari’s administration, prompting Aisha to condemn his apparent lack of empathy and emotional intelligence.

Expressing her discontent on social media platform X, Aisha remarks, “If selfish and self-centered were people, they would both be Buhari.” She denounces the perceived cruelty in Buhari’s remarks and questions the impact on those facing difficulties in their lives.

Buhari’s comments were made during the Katsina Dialogue, where he was a special guest of honor. Speaking in Hausa at the event held in the Presidential Banquet Hall of the Katsina Government House, Buhari rejoiced over fewer home visits after the fuel price increase.

Amidst the controversy, Buhari also addresses the issue of drug abuse in Katsina, emphasizing the need to confront and defeat the problem for the well-being of present and future generations.