Fintech company AfriCred has entered strategic partnerships with prominent financial institutions across Africa, offering students convenient access to credit for their educational pursuits.

With offices in Lagos, Kenya, UAE, and Spain, AfriCred provides a range of short and long-term loans, instant tuition fee payment solutions, and travel credit cards for living expenses, empowering students to manage their higher education finances effectively. 

The firm’s streamlined loan process features a diverse selection of global and Africa-based lenders at competitive rates, complemented by exceptional customer support. AfriCred’s CEO, Siddharth, emphasizes the mission to empower students with affordable credit, fostering partnerships with global financial institutions to provide competitive interest rates without the need for co-signers or collateral.

 Jerry Opara, Senior Manager, highlights collaborations with study-abroad businesses and education consultants to enhance student support. Dr. Piyush Jain of ProU Education praises the comprehensive financial solutions, while Chris Velasco of Edison College, Canada, sees the initiative as pivotal for facilitating higher education financing and fee payment.