Access Bank Plc continues to provide financial and business skills to female entrepreneurs. The bank has just revealed its second edition of its womenpreneur pitch-a-ton programme.

The Womenpreneur Pitch-a-ton Africa 2020 campaign, is modeled to provide female-owned businesses across the continent, equal opportunities to access the financial world.

The programme has been designed to create an environment which enables entrepreneurs to grow their business.

Ayona Trimnell, Group Head W Initiative, spoke during the launch of this initiative’s second launch saying: ‘Access Bank has been a leading advocate for women’s economic empowerment in Nigeria and this is the key motivation for the ‘W’ Initiative which caters to the women economy particularly in the areas of capacity building and creating networking opportunities for women.’

‘We launched the Pitch-a-ton initiative last year in line with our value proposition as the No. 1 Bank of Choice for women in Nigeria, and we got a tremendous amount of applications with innovative business ideas. This year we want to do more and we want to reach out to more female entrepreneurs not just in Nigeria but across Africa.

‘As a responsible financial institution with a huge presence in other African countries, we want to give the same opportunity to other female entrepreneurs in Ghana, Rwanda and Zambia as well as Sierra Leone, Gambia, & Congo to apply and participate in this year’s edition of the programme.’

The programme aims to provide up to N9 million financial grant and an exceptional capacity building programme, centered on empowering female entrepreneurs.