NEWS DIGEST – An Associate Professor of Social Studies from University of Ilorin, Dr W Okunloye has called for Nation building through the use of Social Studies.

The Don made the call while speaking at a Summit organized by Social Studies Students Association of Nigeria, Obafemi Awolowo University Chapter.

In his address, he said Social Studies is a veritable tool that can be used in building the nation due to its integrated nature. It is the only subject that is devoted to the study of human for the purpose of citizenship and societal study.

Dr Okunloye proffer solution to the challenges that is hindering Social Studies from been the veritable tool in Nation building. He highlighted them as; Getting people that are qualified, Resolve that we should move away from overpopulation and people in the academia should make frantic Effort to cover concepts

He added ‘ Teaching of Social Studies should not only be restricted to classes,  students should also be taken to natural environment’.

Similarly, the National Secretary of Social Studies Association of Nigeria (SOSAN) Dr. ‘Gbenga Omiyefa of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife also lay emphasis on the need for value orientation.

The desired nation we want to build will only be possible when Nigerians are properly indoctrinated with the right values.

In attendance were former Directors, Institute of Education Dr B. A Adeyemi and Dr E. O Ojedokun, Staff Advisers of the association Dr J. O Okewole, Dr. (Mrs) V. I Adediran, Social Studies Students from Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, FCE ABK and Secretary of Ife North local government Hon Henry.