NEWS DIGEST– A group of women and children took to the streets of Rigasa, in Kaduna State protesting against abject poverty and hunger in the country.

The group rallied under the slogan “hunger, hunger, Tinubu,” calling on President Ahmed Bola Tinubu to intervene and address the skyrocketing costs of food items in the region and Nigeria as whole.

The protest, which was peaceful but emotionally charged, was triggered by the recent deaths of two children who died of hunger after going without food for four days.

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The children’s mother, unable to bear their pain, resorted to giving them boiled saltwater to ease their hunger, but they both passed away.

Many of the women who joined the protest are struggling to feed their families due to the escalating cost of food items in the country.

In particular, they cited that a measure of rice now costs N1,700, while spaghetti costs N500, and they can no longer afford to purchase these staples.

The women also bemoaned the plight of orphans and other vulnerable members of the community, who are forced to beg on the streets to survive.

They called on Nigerian government to provide affordable food and alleviate the hunger crisis in the region.

One protester who spoke with AGG Multimedia Services said, “We have never experienced hardship as such. Two children have just died after going four days without food. We don’t have food; help us. I have been sick, but I had to come join my fellow women and express my grievances.”

As at the time of this report, no government official has responded to the protesters demand, but the women say they will continue demonstrating until their cries for help are answered.