Governor Alia: Beautify Makurdi by Planting Flowers Instead of Crops

Benue State Governor Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia has urged residents of Makurdi metropolis to stop farming in their front yards and instead plant flowers to beautify the town.

According to a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Sir Tersoo Kula, the governor emphasized that flowers not only enhance the environment with their colors but also have a calming effect, contributing to a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

Alia reiterated his warning to those who have ignored previous orders and continue to farm on empty plots and house frontages in the city.

He directed that these areas should be cleared of crops immediately, or the government will do so.

“The Governor says his government is set to beautify the state capital.

“Therefore, those who are using any portion of Land within Makurdi town, including spaces within and around offices, road and street set-backs and the university environment to farm are directed to desist immediately.

“Those who have properly fenced their plots may be excused to farm only within the fenced portion(s), according to the Governor.

“He warns that any person caught farming on any portion of land in the state capital, will be made to answer certain questions,” he said.