Zulum: My Dream Was Academia, Not Governance

Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State has revealed that his original ambition was to become the Vice Chancellor of the University of Maiduguri, not the governor of the state.

He shared this during a send-off ceremony for the outgoing Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aliyu Shugaba, in Maiduguri over the weekend.

Zulum mentioned that while he cannot question destiny, his true goal lies in academia. He expressed his desire to pursue this ambition once his tenure as governor concludes.

“I never aspired to be the governor of Borno State; my ambition was to become the vice chancellor of the University of Maiduguri. I don’t know if the university would consider me for the role.

“It’s not about the money, but about contributing to the educational system,” he said.

While addressing professors and academics, Zulum asked for their support in fulfilling his lifelong ambition, highlighting his previous role as a lecturer and student among them.

He identified funding as a significant challenge for the university and called for innovative solutions to generate sustainable revenue.

Zulum proposed four key areas for investment, particularly in livestock production, poultry, and commercial agriculture, drawing from his experience as the Rector of Ramat Polytechnic.

He also pledged to address issues related to power, water, and academic challenges facing the university. He praised the outgoing vice chancellor for maintaining relative peace during his tenure despite challenges such as COVID-19, the Treasury Single Account, TSA, and the IPPS.