Abba Yusuf Lawal
Abba Yusuf Lawal

Yusuf Lawal: A youngster churning out good poetry

NEWS DIGEST – In a society in which the literary culture is fast dwindling, the zeal of a youngster, writer and fastidious poet, Master Yusuf Lawal (aka Abba) brings a ray of hope. With unprecedented courage coupled with literary fervour, Master Lawal renders to the table, a collection of beautiful poetic renditions.

A Year 11 student of Glisten International Academy in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja has over 32 poems to his name, with deep exegetical inculcations ranging from abuse, democracy, philosophy of life and matters arising.

Master Lawal, the last child of his family, has taken leadership positions in his school like the Minister of Sports of the Students Parliament, School First Team Player and has won medals in Athletics in Inter House Sports and Invitation Schools Sports.

Abba Yusuf Lawal
Abba Yusuf Lawal

His programmes of interest in the University are Aerospace and Mechatronics Engineering. It would be dumbfounding to realise that his educational interest is not in tandem with what he has mastered the art of. The commonplace to find aficionados of poetry is from the Bloc of Humanities.

It is no gainsaying that Master Lawal’s communion with space when he finally achieves his dream will birth more poems about the cosmic composition of the world.

Below are some of the poems Master Lawal has to his name. We trust you enjoy each of them.

Loyalty and Trust
Loyalty and trust,
The hardest things to find amongst us,
Two things that will never rust,
Best of friends treat you equally,
You all live in sanity,
They are your little family,
Tears are often shed,
Food is equally shared,
And you are never mislead,
Those people actually care,
They are often rare,
Those are the people that made your past,
Those kind of friends often last,
They can be annoying,
But never worth leaving,
True friends live happily,
And are always there during emergencies,
True friendship is the only guarantee to loyalty!

The World We Live In
A world of lies is what we live in,
There is no happily ever after,
More like bigger disasters,
One that can’t be healed with plasters,
It’s broken to pieces,
Divided to parts,
Just cause of my colour,
Just cause I choose a different faith,
Cause I’m from a different race,
It’s not my fault that all you choose to do is mate,
Why do we choose to be fake,
It’s time to stop the hate .

The reality of our community,
Where the government plays monopoly with our economy,
Where everyone lives in tragedy,
And hate has become the new melody,
Nowadays the only guarantee is poverty,
Hypocrisy has become a comedy,
Our pharmacy’s don’t have recipes,
We all have negativity in our mentality,
No one knows the word equality,
No one gives apology,
Everyone takes opportunity of your creativity,
Mediocrity is our new policy,
All in the name of,

Bruises and Pains
I’m not woken up by greetings,
Rather woken up by bruises,
Cause I have no more feelings,
I woke up feeling confused,
Cause my virginity had been consumed,
From who I never approved,
I tried to refuse but ended up being seduced,
I’m nothing but a kid,
How could you do something that the Almighty forbid,
I shall never forgive,
My heart full of pain,
Tears, dripping on my chest like rain,
My brain, drained,
I had become insane,
And yet it happened again and again,
The marks on my body, now tattoos
This is simply,
child abuse!

The Pandemic
Corona came without an invitation,
Gave us no time for preparation,
With all the investigation there is still no solution,
What an invasion,
It gave itself an underserved recognition,
And drew the whole worlds attention,
It created so much tension,
Amongst various nations,
Now we say, No to occasions,
The class of 2020, No more graduation,
And for the other classes, Say bye to Education,
Does this mark the beginning of extinction?
Surely we can overcome this disruption,
God is the only solution!

Letter To All Cadets
There was a separation,
So We analysed the situation,
We saw there was a need for fixation,
Not just for the standing ovation,
But for the next generation and our reputation,
It was time for the operation,
But we needed some motivation,
So we started our meditation,
We went in with dedication,
And arrived at our destination,
This is a war not some playstation,
We went in and finished the extermination,
We came back and got our decoration,
And this is all for our,

She has been there since birth,
She is the one that brought you to earth,
She never takes nonsense,
You think she is complex,
She’s doing all this to make sure you progress,
To her you are priceless,
She is always there to stress,
She always wants you to impress,
And never get oppressed,
She’s always telling you to stay away from bad friends,
Cause all they will do is give you a life sentence,
She does everything for you with her last strength,
She always built a fence around success,
Now that you think about it can you see?that it makes sense,
Hence the only way you thank her,
Is to prove you are not,

It’s sad to see that people get depressed,
When you seem to finally get success,
They start to attack you like the press,
When you have finally impressed,
They don’t want to see you progress,
So they will never confess,
They always pray for your absence,
Cause you shine in their presence,
They want you to become less,
But you are winner,
And you can beat your chest with confidence,
They hate your faithfulness,
They don’t want you to see the sunset,
They don’t want you in that private jet,
They don’t understand it’s all cause of God and your,

©️ Master Yusuf Lawal

All rights reserved. These poems may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior permission from either the Editor of The NEWS DIGEST or the intellectual owner of the poems.