The Campus Journalism Dialogue (CJD) flyer

Youths Digest launches another campus journalism event

NEWS DIGEST–Necessary plans have been concluded by Youths Digest, a popular online/magazine news platform, to launch the first ever ‘Campus Journalism Dialogue’ (CJD).

The online news media is the organizer of the glamorous ‘Campus Journalism Awards’, an event held annually to celebrate talented student-writers.

According to Mr. Gidado Shuaib, Editor of Youths Digest, the dialogue is geared towards building ethical, vibrant and professional newsrooms on campuses through the intellectual cum literary activities of student-writers and their campus journalism associations.

He said CJD will robustly help to groom versatile students who have undying passion for journalistic and literary writings.

Gidado observed that massive investment in the Nigerian media entails nurturing and building the capacity of upcoming journalists.

He said about 90 percent of mainstream journalists and celebrated media icons cut their teeth during their higher institutions’ school days.

“The dialogue will educate selected-participants on ways to fight the menace of hate speech, fake news, libelous publications, slanderous comments and brown envelope syndrome, among other ills bedeviling the media.

“Aware of the fact that our campus journalists will play a greater role in entrenching good governance, helping to build strong institutions and discharging their watchdog mandate in the nearest future, eminent resource persons and accomplished journalists have been invited to give motivational talks and mentor students-writers. By so doing, our brilliant campus journalists can easily achieve glory in the media profession.

“Meanwhile, organizers of the Dialogue will liaise with school authorities towards curbing the spate of victimization by ensuring that campus journalists who report happenings on their campuses are not stringently punished, while also providing legal aid to student-writers who are victimized,” Gidado added.

The Youths Digest editor disclosed that CJD will take place across selected tertiary institutions in the geo-political zones of the country.