Antonio Guterres
Antonio Guterres

Youths are Africa’s greatest asset – UN Secretary General

NEWS DIGEST – The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has described young people as the greatest asset on the African continent. Guterres made this known on Wednesday while delivering a remark at a side event titled; “A call to invest: investing in jobs for young people in Africa”, held at the UN headquarters in New York.

“Africa has the fastest growing youth population in the world.They are the continent’s greatest asset — a vast source of energy, innovation, ideas and solutions.Indeed, at a time when the rest of the world will be ageing, Africa’s youth are also an asset for the global labour force”, Guterres remarked.

Furthering, the U.N chief described unemployment as a tragedy for young people on the continent, saying it can undermine development and generate frustration that can be a catalyst for social unrest, unsafe migration and threat to global peace and security.

“Today, one third of African youth are unemployed and discouraged; another third are vulnerably employed or in low-value jobs in the informal sector.  This reinforces poverty and inequality.

“Young African women are even worse off.  It is estimated that gender gaps in the labour force cost Africa US$105 billion in 2014 alone,” Guterres lamented.

Praising the African Continental Free Trade Area as an important step in creating job opportunities; he called for investment in health, education, science, technology and industrialization whilst harping on the need to empower young people with skills that match the needs of present and future labour market.

In a related development, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) hosted a high-level panel on migration and economic transformation in Africa, calling for awareness in maximizing the economic and development impact of migration on the continent.

The debate took place ahead of the signing of the global compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration slated for Marrakesh, Morocco.

UNCTAD Secretary General, Mr Mukhisa Kituyi who anchored the event remarked that contrary to media projections, the largest movement of migrants is within Africa.

He added that migrants also make a very clear contribution to the economy of the country they move into.