SPECIAL REPORT: How Youth Groups Are Giving More Voice to the Younger Population

YOUTHS DIGEST – For a young Nigerian who is deemed to be active, such young person most likely belongs to a group; be it pressure group, advocacy, sensitization or other youth group. With over 200 million persons and over half as youths, the largest black race definitely needs a vibrant youth population. Much in this is that such groups have become major policy shakers. Whenever the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) issues an ultimatum to the Federal Government (FG), it usually sent jitters down the spine of the rank and files of the decision makers. When the Nigerian Youth Parliament (NYP) issue statements many take them very serious, same with the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) and many other notable youth groups.

This report takes a look at how Youth groups in Nigeria has given more youths voice and representation.

When the YIAGA started the campaign for reduction in the age of those who should represent Nigeria at various leadership positions, little did people knew about the impact it will make to the society. Before the intervention, there were impediments against youths who desire to contest, in fact age limitations became something very worrying.

Little did we know that ages for contesting will be reduced for president from 40 to 35; governor from 35 to 30; senator from 35 to 30; House of Representatives membership from 30 to 25 and State House of Assembly membership from 30 to 25. It is on record that many youths have taken juicy positions in the Country’s polity due to this efforts.

Aminu Abdullahi Shagali, a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) is the Speaker of Kaduna State House of Assembly. He is 39 years old and represents Sabon Gari state constituency. The lawmaker was re-elected speaker in a move that cemented conscious representation for Youths in the Country. Samson Itodo and Cynthia Mbamalu inspired the move of YIAGA. Hon Nasiru Magarya who is just 31years of age emerged the speaker of the Zamfara state House of Assembly. Abok Izam emerged the speaker of the Plateau state House of Assembly at just 33 years of age. These developments have in a huge way boldened Youths to participate more in politics.

According to history books and quoting Wikipedia NYCN was established in 1964. It is charged with policy formulation and implementation on issues bordering on youth development in Nigeria. It is the umbrella body and the mouthpiece of the Nigerian Youth. It was established and given legal recognition.

In a report published by the DailyTrust on April 19, 2019, the National Youth Council of Nigeria condemned the exclusion of Youths in politics which according to them should be worked upon since youths deserve a good representation in governance.

“Nigeria prepares for her 59th independence anniversary, it is also worrisome that she is yet to boast of a youth house, more so when we have a fast growing population of over 80 million young persons.” This statement and similar ones shows the importance of a vibrant youth council that is expected to stand in gap for the Country’s young mind.

The group has not also not only stood in gap for Youths by standing as a voice for the fragile youth population but also sensitizing the Nigerian Youth Population. In a report published on June 5, 2019 in the PM news, the body advised youths against banditry.

“We are appealing to youths to shun crimes, banditry, kidnapping, terrorism and other social vices. By our data, the issue of banditry, kidnapping and terrorism is fast spreading across the county.” the group noted.

While many persons are of the view that the best of the NYCN has not been heard, it is seen as a major pillar that has given voice to many but expectations are high that enough is not done. The Nigerian Youth Parliament is another body. Meant to be a training ground for Youths and also a platform to stand for Youths who will be trained to become better representatives of the Country, the Nigerian Youth Parliament has representation across all states of the federation.

The Nigerian Youth Parliament particularly ensures that lawmakers carry out their duties and agitate for interest of the Youths for a better parliament. For instance, the parliament condemned the August 7, 2018, siege on the National Assembly by men of the Department of State security (DSS), the body noted that the move can lead to gag on democracy.

The National Association of Nigerian Students is another body that has over the years represented the interest of Nigerian Students, although serious scrutiny has been on the body over alleged corruption, bitter politicking and other ills, the body has given many youths a platform especially through the students’ union structures of various institutions.

Many students now find solace in hiding under the umbrella of the students Union to agitate their rights. The National Association of Nigerian Students have also had successful protests that have gone ahead to be impact makers.

For the Nigerian Youth Parliament President, Mubarak Mijinyawa, the parliament committed to representation of Youths and also partnerships towards achieving the sustainable development goals. He noted while speaking to the YOUTHSDIGEST that the body is working towards ensuring better and Youth friendly policies.

Bello Shagari (National Youth Council of Nigeria)

The National Youth Council of Nigeria leader has continued to restate his commitment to leading a vibrant NYCN. At various times has used the media to propagate the interest of the body.

Danielson Bamidele (NANS)

The National president of the Nigerian students although has continued to restate his commitment to interests of students, he has in recent times been enmeshed in controversies over his sincerity in leadership of his association. A typical example was during a visit to the Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari which sparked outrageous controversies. Many have also said the association has failed to truly represent students’ interest with victimization allegedly on the increase.

Source: Youths Digest