NEWS DIGEST- As the once vibrant farming communities in Wushishi Local Government Area of Niger State suffer from unrest, the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have been left with no other option but to resort to the humblest way of sustenance – begging in the streets.

According to Daily report the saddening situation was made known by the Council Chairman, Mohammed Kpoti Yelwa, while distributing food items as an emergency intervention to the affected IDPs.

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The IDPs fled their homes after the last Friday invasion of some villages in the local government by bandits. The unending attacks have caused farmers who normally had food in abundance in their homes to now live in an undignified condition of street begging for food.

Some of the affected IDPs shared their grievance, Umar Danladi Musa, Hajiya Habiba Mohammed Tashan-Jirgi, and Hamza Mai-Anguwan Kutunku, stated that during the three-day invasion of their homes, the bandits carted away their foodstuffs and other valuable materials, which has resulted in their present challenge of begging for food.

This worsening situation calls for immediate intervention from the government and humanitarian bodies to help mitigate the suffering of the IDPs in Wushishi LGA.

It is crucial to ensure the safety of farmers and their households and to provide them with adequate protection from the bandits.