Buhari at the Green Chamber presenting the 2019 Budget

The world is watching you, behave yourself, Buhari tells lawmakers

NEWS DIGEST–President Muhammadu Buhari has cautioned lawmakers in the joint session of the National Assembly to comport themselves as they are on television and being watched across the world.
Buhari who is currently at the Assembly presenting the 2019 Budget was being heckled by some lawmakers believed to be members of the opposition.
While some lawmakers stood up to give the President a clap, some others heckled him shouting, ‘Lies, propaganda’.
One of them called Buhari, ‘grass cutter’ in reference to the scandal which the last Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, was enmeshed.
When the President was stating the achievements of his administration in the area of fighting corruption, some lawmakers shouted him down, saying, ‘propaganda, which corruption are you fighting’? ‘Grass cutter’
Buhari had also claimed that every state was being touched by the Federal Government in the area of road construction.