Nigerian actress, Wumi Toriola has disclosed that she is open to the idea of becoming a second wife.

“I would gladly become a second wife because “I’m after-one now,” declared the single mother of one.

Toriola made these remarks during a recent interview with Debbie Shokoya, a well-known media figure.

Her words, “I used to have the mindset that I can’t be a second or third wife but that has changed because I’m after-one now.

“If I see an after-one like me too or a widower, I will marry him. What matters is my happiness.”

She said most men don’t approach female celebrities because they think they are open to only rich men but it’s not so with all of them.

Toriola added that most actresses worked for their money, contrary to the popular opinion that rich men are behind their luxurious lifestyles.

Recall that in 2023, Wunmi Toriola announced on her Instagram page that her four-year marriage had failed.

She had married in 2018 and given birth to her first child the following year.