
The Acting Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, Christy Uba, has restated that white-collar jobs are no longer readily available, and urged Corps members to make use of the skills they would acquire for their sustenance.

Mrs Uba, represented by Abel Odoba, the Kaduna Coordinator of the NYSC, made the call on Tuesday in the state at the official opening and swearing-in ceremony of the 2022 Batch ‘C’ Stream ll orientation course.

Mrs Uba noted that white-collar jobs could not accommodate the high number of graduates trooping out from institutions of higher learning.

She said the Corps members must avail themselves of the opportunities for self-employment that would be offered in the course of their orientation through the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development, SAED, programme.

She said Corps members are expected to choose from any of the skill areas of the SAED and make themselves available for the training while restating the management’s commitment in working with relevant stakeholders for the success of the programme.

The Acting Director-General appealed for the support of all stakeholders in the call for the establishment of the NYSC trust fund which is already awaiting assent by President Muhammadu Buhari.

“This will enhance the smooth operations of the Scheme, especially by addressing the challenges of infrastructure and providing start-up capitals for corps members,” she said.

Restating the importance of the orientation course, Mrs Uba noted that it was the first cardinal programme of NYSC which was aimed at introducing Corps members to the objectives and programmes of the Scheme.

“It is designed to prepare them for the tasks of the service year through trainings on Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development, leadership coaching, paramilitary drills and other physical activities, as well as sensitisation on topical national issues, amongst others.

“It is also an avenue that provides the opportunity for you to realise your potentials and attain individual feats both during and after the service year” ,she said.

Mrs Uba further enjoined the corps members to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the NYSC Act and Bye-Laws.

She implored them to sustain the high level of discipline and enthusiasm, especially by remaining compliant with the camp rules and regulations.

“I also urge you to avoid using social media for spreading fake news, fuelling hatred and other negative purposes, and instead deploy the same for the promotion of national unity and development,” she said.

The Acting Director-General requested all stakeholders to render support towards the success of the scheme’s Health Initiative for Rural Dwellers (HIRD), which according to her, is aimed at providing easy access to free and qualitative health care, especially for the rural poor.

She thanked the Federal, State and Local Governments, as well as security agencies, traditional rulers, corps employers and other stakeholders for the support in areas of security and general welfare of Corps members.

Earlier, the Governor of Kaduna State, Nasir El-Rufa’i, said the Government’s desire to raise vibrant and upright youths informed the design of the orientation course which is aimed to impact in them the needed leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

Mr El-Rufa’i, represented by Stephen Joseph, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Human Services and Social Development, also said the orientation course provides a platform to forge the much needed understanding among the numerous and divergent ethnic nationalities in Nigeria.

“The NYSC is therefore an important scheme in the country and the present administration in Kaduna state is doing a lot to support the attainment of its objectives.

“The Government of Kaduna State has overtime put in place enduring policies to ensure that corps members have comfortable and stress free orientation exercise and service year,” he said.

Mr El-Rufa’i urged them to reciprocate the kind gesture from the state Government by exhibiting high sense of patriotism and good attitude while in camp and the rest of their service year.