Liu Yuxi, a Chinese envoy, on Wednesday called on the international community to help Africa address its most pressing challenges and eradicate terrorist threats.

Special Chinese government representative on African affairs Liu Yuxi said this while speaking at a UN Security Council high-level open debate.

The debate was on countering terror by strengthening cooperation between the UN and regional organisations.

Africa still has a long way to go to eradicate terrorism, Liu insisted.

He noted that regional terrorist organisations in Africa, such as Boko Haram, Lord’s Resistance Army, and al-Shabab, collude with Da’esh and al-Qaeda to cause trouble, with regional hotspots remaining volatile.

“The international community must respond to African countries’ urgent needs, and aspirations and work jointly to help them address the most pressing challenges and the root causes of terrorism,’’ Liu said.

He underscored the need to build international consensus over counter-terrorism, saying the international community should take the opportunity of this year’s eighth review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy to consolidate the global united front against terrorism.

The international community should also enhance Africa’s ability to safeguard peace independently and further strengthen international counter-terrorism cooperation with Africa.

He spoke of the need to redirect more global counter-terrorism resources to countries in Africa and increase funding, equipment, intelligence, and logistical supplies.

The arms embargoes imposed by the Security Council on Sudan, South Sudan, and other countries have had negative impacts on enhancing the security capacity of the countries concerned and should be adjusted or lifted promptly, said Liu.

He also stressed eliminating the breeding grounds for terrorism in Africa.

“China, however, calls on the international community to increasingly listen to the voices of African countries, give greater prominence to the continent’s development agenda, take practical steps to support Africa in eliminating poverty and achieving sustainable development, and help African countries fundamentally eradicate terrorist threats,” said Liu.

He urged the security council should use the annual meeting with the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to coordinate and build synergy on African counter-terrorism issues.

Liu emphasised that African countries rely on UN peacekeeping operations to assist them in their counter-terrorism efforts; therefore, the UN Secretariat must ensure that peacekeeping operations are better aligned with the specific needs of African nations.

“China is always a staunch force for peace and security in Africa,’’ the envoy said.

“We will continue to implement the Global Security Initiative and the Global Development Initiative.

“We will continue to work with Africa to build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future, and make a greater contribution to lasting peace and sustainable development in Africa,’’ he added.
