The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has directed all Computer-Based Test centre owners to arrest any parent, who is found near any of their facilities during the 2024 UTME exercise.

The directive was given during the virtual final briefing for the owners of computer-based test (CBT) centers.

Dr. Fabian Benjamin, JAMB spokesman, stated that parents who disobey the order should be arrested and their children should not be allowed to take the test.

He claimed that because of some parents’ invasive behavior during the board’s prior exercises, this was made necessary.

“Some miscreants also disguise as parents to infiltrate the centres to perpetrate all forms of infractions, consequently, the Registrar disclosed that the Board has directed security operatives to work with the centres to apprehend any meddlesome parent, who come near the centres,” he said.

According to the current national policy on education, a candidate for the examination must have reached the age of seventeen, according to registrar Prof. Isha’q Oloyede, who was quoted by the speaker.

He said that it is clear that these parents did not want their children to complete the classes as outlined in the document, which is why they followed their children to the testing location in an attempt to undermine the integrity of the examination officials.

“At any rate, it is clear to any discerning observer that these parents deserve to be sanctioned as they had obviously ‘smuggled’ underage children into the ranks of those scheduled to sit the examination,” he said.

The Board further recommended that candidates jealously protect their phone numbers, registration information, and email address.

‘This advice is issued against the backdrop of some candidates, who might be enticed into patronising any of those fraudulent websites out there. Consequently, the Board informed candidates that if their personal details are found with any of such sites, they would be treated as accomplices and prosecuted.”