The United States has halted providing the government of the Niger Republic with approximately $200 million in aid.

On July 26, 2023, the presidential guard of Niger overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum. Shortly after declaring the coup a success, Presidential Guard commander General Abdourahamane Tchiani assumed control of a new military junta.

The United States temporarily halted certain of its foreign aid initiatives for the Niger government on August 5, 2023.

The action was taken when the Economic Community of West African States, a 15-nation regional group, was considering using force to restore Bazoum’s administration to power.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Spokesperson U.S. Department of State, Matthew Miller, said the suspension was in line with section 7008 of the Department of State’s annual appropriations act.

“The United States has concluded that a military coup d’etat has taken place in Niger.  Pursuant to section 7008 of the Department of State’s annual appropriations act, the United States is suspending most U.S. assistance to the government of Niger.

“On August 5, the United States temporarily paused certain foreign assistance programmes to the government of Niger, totalling nearly $200 million.  That assistance is now also suspended pursuant to section 7008 of the Department of State’s annual appropriations act.”

The United States also took note of the suspension of all aid to Niger from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, including all preliminary work on the $302 million Niger Regional Transportation Compact and any new activities on the 2018 Compact.

Miller offered reassurance that its life-saving humanitarian assistance would continue to benefit the Nigerese people.

He said, “We reiterate that we will continue to provide the people of Niger with life-saving humanitarian, food, and health assistance. In order to advance common interests in West Africa, the United States also plans to keep cooperating with regional governments, including those in Niger.

“We stand with the Nigerien people in their aspirations for democracy, prosperity, and stability. Since the coup, we have supported the Economic Community of West African States’ efforts to work with Niger to achieve a return to democratic rule.”

The country added “Any resumption of U.S. assistance will require action by the National Council for Safeguarding the Homeland to usher in democratic governance in a quick and credible timeframe.

“The United States reiterates its call for the release of Mohamed Bazoum, his family, and all those detained.”