UN releases test kits for Nigeria

NEWS DIGEST – The United Nations on Thursday in Abuja received health supplies, including 10,000 test kits and 15 oxygen concentrators, which the organisation would be donating to the Nigerian government to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

The UN said in a statement that the supplies would be given as support to the National Centre for Disease Control and the United Nations Children’s Fund workers across Nigeria.

The UN noted that additional COVID-19 response supplies were being expected in Nigeria.

The UN said, “The United Nations today received delivery of vital health supplies to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The supplies, made up of 10,000 test kits, 15 oxygen concentrators, and various personal protective equipment, vaccines, and other vital health supplies, will support the Nigerian government’s COVID-19 Response Plan and UNICEF’s work with children and families in Nigeria.”