One person was killed by Ukrainian shelling on the Belgorod area of the Russian border on Saturday morning, according to local authorities.

Regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov posted on Telegram, “The Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the village of Urazovo in the Valuysky district with Grad missiles this morning.”
“One person, a man who was on the street when the shelling occurred, died.”

Belgorod and other Ukrainian bordering Russian districts have reported continuous attacks from Kiev’s military, as well as sporadic cross-border incursions.

On Saturday morning, three Tochka-U missiles were shot down by air defenses over the area, according to the Russian defense ministry.

The ministry also said it thwarted a drone attack on Moscow.

The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, said there was “no damage or casualties” after air defence downed the drone over the district of Istrinsky.

Attacks on Russian soil, which were infrequent at the start of the onslaught, have increased recently, with Kiev increasingly taking the blame.