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Dr Ogbonnaya Onu, Minister of Science and Technology, has said that Nigerians would soon have more reasons to celebrate, with the efforts being made to change the country from depending on resources, to depending on knowledge, in order to boost the economy. This information was contained in a statement issued in Abuja, on Thursday by the Chief Press Secretary to the Minister, Mr Taye Akinyemi.

It the statement it was made known, that Onu saiid this while he delivered a speech at the 15th Committee on Science and Technology General Assembly Meeting, which was held in Islamabad, Pakistan from the 31st of May until the 1st of June. The Minister also stated that the ministry had indeed been working towards achieving food security, to enable Nigeria feed its citizens without issues.

According to Onu, the transformation would make it possible for Nigeria to play a more vital role when it comes to global matters presently and in the future.

He also said this idea under works is to help diversify Nigeria’s economy, create new jobs, create wealth and also to increase the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

“Also, to provide energy security and uninterrupted power supply, which will engender rapid industrialisation and the use of locally made goods and services,” he said.

He also noted that all efforts being made are on to close all technology gaps, which will help the economy grow in a sustainable manner, capable of absorbing schools that may come up in the future.