Abdulsalam Abdulkareem Zaura, popularly known as A.A Zaura
Abdulsalam Abdulkareem Zaura, popularly known as A.A Zaura

2019: Boosting agriculture using modern techniques is my top priority – Zaura

NEWS DIGEST – As the 2019 general elections draw near, the Kano State Gubernatorial Aspirant under the platform of Green Party of Nigeria, GPN, Abdulsalam Abdulkareem Zaura, popularly known as A.A Zaura, has reiterated his commitment towards boosting modern agriculture.

Speaking with select journalists in Abuja, Mr Zaura said that modern farming methods are capable of changing the faces and fortune of the agricultural sector, hence occupying a topmost priority in his agenda.

According to him, since Kano has an arable land and formidable landmarks, a new approach to agricultural innovations and farming practices can help farmers in the state increase efficiency.

“Agriculture has been my major priority whenever the issue of this project comes up. That is why we tagged our mission in Kano State 2019 as ‘Greener Kano’ for obvious reasons.

“Don’t we have the fertile land in Kano State? What about our irrigation dams across the length and breadth of the state?

“But because of the lack of good governance, agriculture is dead. And it is saddened that the state is now left with no option,” he said.

Mr Zaura said that the decision for him to go for the number-one seat in the state was as a result of a clarion call from mainly youths in the state.

He said GPN is the only party in Nigeria today that has the mandates to restore good governance and democratic proclivities in the society.

The Guber aspirant lamented how the state had been suffering various setbacks, hence his resolve to come and render his services to the good people of the state.

“I want to say that it is a pity to see a great state like Kano seriously facing challenges, ranging from the economic meltdown and the government lacks focus on so many things.

“Over 300 standard industries are now in comatose. Redundancy and poverty is everywhere. The youths, for example, are left to their own fates. You only see most of them riding tri-circles all over the place.

“Wherever you see communities resorting to tri-circle as a major means of transportation, you know that that government is a complete failure.

“In this regard, I am assuring the Kano people that my intention to join politics and run for the governorship is no other reason, but to carry my fellow youths, women and the entire people of Kano State, who are far left behind.

“In our agenda, we have a clear mission for the youths, we shall reinstate all their lost grandeur so as to counter all forms of political thuggery and restiveness.

“We shall also engage women that are subjected into different societal vices and drugs. And that is paining on any simple minded person,” Mr Zaura noted.

He assured the Kano people that GPN is set to revive the state and record success in the forthcoming political year.

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