Dumebi Kachikwu, a former presidential candidate of the Action Democratic Congress, ADC, has urged the Federal Government to set up an investigation panel over an alleged oil theft involving the Nigerian Navy.

Mr Kachikwu said this in a statement on Sunday in Abuja.

“The Nigerian Navy has just released a statement saying tests have confirmed that the product on board the vessel intercepted by Tantita Security Services operatives is indeed HPFO as logged in the permit issued by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Agency (NMDPRA).

“What the Nigerian Navy fails to understand is that Nigerians won’t accept any report emanating from the Navy.

“How can a Navy that has been accused of complicity in a case of suspected oil theft be the judge and jury in its own case when it manages the process of conducting a test on the products within the vessel.

“This is simply unacceptable, too many red flags have been raised by Tantita Security Services that warrant the National Security Adviser or the President to set up an investigation panel on this matter,” he said.

Mr Kachikwu alleged that a navy personnel by the name of Cdr Samuel Samba Musa engaged in a conversation with a Tantita operative that suggested there was more to meet the eye concerning MT PRAISEL.

He said that the permit issued by NMDPRA showed that the voyage of the vessel was from Lagos to Koko in Delta, while the Navy permit said the vessel was going in the opposite direction.

He said that the master of the vessel upon interrogation showed the vessel was headed to Bonny and that the two permts were with conflicting information and the master was with another information.

“Beyond this two tanks of the vessel were said to be fully loaded with AGO suspected to be from an illegal refinery and without accompanying documents.

“Knowing this how then can the Nigerian Navy expect Nigerians to accept a laboratory report from a test managed by them?

“The Navy was silent on the discrepancies in the documents and the story of the Master. The Navy was silent on the source of the AGO in the vessel.

“The Navy refused to allow Tantita operatives access to the product so they could conduct an independent test. This in itself speaks volumes.

“For how long will we allow a few unscrupulous individuals in the Navy continue to dent the image of the whole Nigerian Navy.

“It is embarrassing to the nation that the brazen theft of crude oil continues unabated inspire of the humongous amounts spent equipping the Nigerian Navy,” he said.